Jack Vernon
Jack Vernon
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For centuries the world has debated whether torture is an evil required to protect society or whether it is cruel and unnecessary punishment. The Illustrated History of Torture is a social history spanning from Ancient Egypt to the current War on Terror and including Roman gladiators, the Spanish Inquisition, witch hunts, wartime torture and apartheid South Africa. It examines various methods of torture, national and international laws on the subject and the impact torture has. Through over 100 pictures and 15 removable facsimile items, this book reveals the human face of torture through the stories of individuals who have been subjected to this shocking practice, such as Joan of Arc, Guy Fawkes and Dr. Frank Olson, said to be a victim of the CIA’s human research program MKULTRA. It also considers those responsible for inflicting pain and suffering, including Vlad the Impaler, the “Blood Countess” Elizabeth Báthory, who allegedly harvested the blood of her victims, and Dr. Josef Mengele, who performed gruesome experiments on prisoners at Auschwitz. ContentsBeating, Whipping and StoningFlayingScaphismFrying, Boiling and RoastingHanging, Drawing and QuarteringCrushingBurning and BrandingWartime TortureDrugs and PsychochemicalsNecklacing
- GenresHistoryNonfictionTrue CrimeReference
64 pages, Unknown Binding First published July 21, 2011
About the author
Jack Vernon
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TJ Shelby
917 reviews29 followers
I hesitate to give this 4 stars, not because it doesn't deserve it but because the 4 stars designation signifies "I really like it." More like, "I was really fascinatingly disturbed by it." Complete with copies of historical documents for reading/examination.
Luigi Roberto
29 reviews
This was a really cool book to learn about torture.
1 review
It was a really interesting book and i was very fascinated
2,580 reviews7 followers
http://trulyrudiono.blogspot.co.id/20... Buku tentang sejarah penyiksaan? Begitu pikiran saya ketika pertama kali melihat buku di iklankan di http://www.bigbadwolfbooks.com/. Karena penasaran, mulainya mengunjungi situs yang memuat buku, Goodreads. Wah, bintang 4.16, lumayan bagus juga. Baiklah masukan buku ini dalam daftar belanja, kebetulan salah satu teman juga meminta untuk dibelikan. Untunglah, saya bisa menemukan buku ini mengingat ternyata jumlah yang tresedia di BBW hanya sedikit (dilihat dari tingginya tumpukan saat itu). Meski hanya berisi 64 halaman, namun buku ini padat akan kisah menyeramkan, sesuai dengan judulnya. Dimulai dari model penyiksaan dari zaman Roma yang dilakukan secara fisik hingga siksaan zaman moderen, yaitu secara psikologi. ----
Maksudnya tentang aneka alat penyiksaan yang sering dipakai, seperti yang sering ada terlihat di film? Pasti seram nih isinya
Paul Elessar Caceres
44 reviews4 followers
An okay book. There are some typos that, of course, can be ignored. I rated this three stars mostly because it feels like the author is injecting some of his personal views into the work. There's a lot of "they may have felt this" or "they may have done that" without really backing these assumptions up. Or maybe there's enough evidence for it but he doesn't show it cleary? He would also comment that the Inquisition was an excuse to do sadistic acts in the guise of religious fervor. But he would not make the same comment on the Aztecs/Mayans and Egyptians who were also showcased in the book. It makes him look hostile to Christianity.
- history
10 reviews1 follower
Hard to say "loved it"! Well, to me, it was an interesting read and I learned a lot, but if you have pre-teens or teens in the house, I would hide this one somewhere to avoid any unpleasant discoveries. It is understandably a pretty graphic look at how cruel humans can be to one another!
- thumb-through-every-so-often
200 reviews
A riveting chronicle of torture, punishment and pain down the ages. though not a book for bedtime reading!
2 reviews3 followers
My husband reads this to me as bedtime stories. It's soothing and wonderful, and I thank Jack Vernon for writing it. Amazing!
- alt-life
203 reviews8 followers
A very interesting read, especially the copies of historical documents.
- nonfiction pre2013
452 reviews2 followers
Very interesting. This'll be nice for when I need help in my story scarily enough.
- owned reference
Claudia Loureiro
Author4 books27 followers
Wonderful book! I love the style, the images and the content :)
- dead-and-dying
Indah Threez Lestari
13.3k reviews261 followers
201 - 2020
- in-english narc-2020 nonfiction
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